
Ten ways to help improve overhead crane safety

Every worker around the globe wants to return home safely at the end of each shift. No matter what industry you work in – from steel mills and car assembly plants to paper mills and manufacturers – workplace safety is imperative.

Workplace incidents can result in devastating injuries and fatalities. The cost of equipment replacement and lost production time can be staggering. A properly maintained crane in the hands of a trained operator helps create a safer and more productive work environment.

A proactive preventive maintenance program is crucial to maximizing safety, however there are several other improvements to consider when looking to increase safety. The addition of safety technologies can make crane operation safer for both people and equipment; and inspections and advanced services can help uncover safety issues so they can be addressed quickly.

The steps you take to increase the safety of your operations can also help increase your productivity. For instance, by controlling loads through sway control or variable speed control technology allows crane operators to focus more of their attention on placing loads as quickly and accurately as possible. Additionally, remote monitoring provides maintenance staff the essential information they need for replacing essential parts at the right time. This reduces the risk of equipment failure and lost production time.

Download the white paper to see 10 ways to help improve safety.