Downtime calculator

If one of your cranes goes down, how much is it really costing you?

When a crane goes down, it can set off a domino effect of issues. A breakdown on a critical crane can lead to delays in the production process and missed deadlines. If the crane failed while moving material, there may be damage to products or other machinery or even personnel. And while the crane is down, workers may have to resort to less efficient methods—meaning more manpower and higher labor costs.

Preventive maintenance helps keep your cranes reliable and operational, helping you save money by reducing emergency repair costs, maximizing efficiency and extending equipment lifespan. Use this calculator to estimate your potential costs if a crane breaks down.  

Downtime is the total time interval between when a crane goes down to when it is fully operational again. This period includes time for set-up, repair and travel. It also includes any rework time necessary after initial repairs have been completed. If you don't know a value for any field, enter '0' or leave the field blank.

  • Current Employee costs
  • Production costs
  • Repair costs
  • Opportunity costs
  • Total costs

Production employee cost per hours

Employee costs include crane operators, riggers and all production-related workers who cannot do their jobs without the use of the crane.