Our crane and hoist service experts use a consultative approach

Connecting with crane service customers on a personal basis

Our consultative approach can help guide your decision-making. We don’t just drop off a report on the way out. We take time to meet with you one-on-one and share our findings, provide recommendations based on our industry-leading expertise and discuss how each action impacts your operations and the entire health of your business.

Inspection and preventive maintenance services include several key consultations including:

Assessing risks and providing recommendations

Our proprietary Risk and Recommendation Method is the basis of our inspection and preventive maintenance processes. No matter what service is being performed, Konecranes Risk and Recommendation Method drives our evaluations and consultative processes, giving you a safety and production advantage.

  1. A component is inspected in order to ascertain its condition
  2. The component is either in acceptable condition or it needs attention 
  3. Exceptions (failures, deficiencies, violations) are documented
  4. Each exception is assigned one of three risk types (safety risk, production risk, undetermined condition)
  5. In addition to exceptions, improvement opportunities are identified
  6. Recommended actions are provided for each exception and improvement opportunity

Risks and recommendations are highlighted in your Service Report and noted on the yourKONECRANES customer portal to help you prioritize maintenance actions and take advantage of improvement opportunities.

Crane analysis from our experts

You may not be able to hear it, but your cranes have something to say about how they’re feeling. Fortunately, our global network of skilled local technicians speak crane. They’re experts at diagnosing what’s ailing your equipment—even things invisible to the naked eye. Utilizing industry-leading technology and non-destructive testing, our consultative services can uncover latent or hidden defects with minimum disruption.