Konecranes Portal
Konecranes Portal is your single point of access to our digital customer platforms for industrial crane maintenance information and TRUCONNECT data, and spare parts, accessories and manuals.
Konecranes Portal is your single point of access to our digital customer platforms for industrial crane maintenance information and TRUCONNECT data, and spare parts, accessories and manuals.
Using a hook that falls below specifications recommended by the manufacturer tempts fate. Specifically, it increases the chance for equipment failure that could lead to injuries and lost production time. Hook failure can occur for a number of reasons, including overloading, mechanical abuse of the hook or cumulative fatigue.
Hook assessments by Konecranes technicians can help determine whether your hooks are up to the job you expect from them—and if they show any signs of potential failure.
OSHA 1910.179 Overhead & Gantry Cranes Regulations
The following excerpt is taken directly from OSHA 1910.179.*
Hooks shall meet the manufacturer's recommendations and shall not be overloaded.
Hooks with deformation or cracks. Visual inspection daily; monthly inspection with a certification record which includes the date of inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, of the hook inspected. For hooks with cracks or having more than 15 percent in excess of normal throat opening or more than 10° twist from the plane of the unbent hook refer to paragraph (l)(3)(iii)(a) of this section.
Crane hooks showing defects described in paragraph (j)(2)(iii) of this section shall be discarded. Repairs by welding or reshaping are not generally recommended. If such repairs are attempted they shall only be done under competent supervision and the hook shall be tested to the load requirements of paragraph (k)(2) of this section before further use.
If you have concerns about your hook, the Konecranes Hook/Shank Inspection is designed to uncover issues that could lead to failure of the hook or bottom block. We utilize various proven non-destructive testing techniques in addition to a visual inspection and measurements normally performed during a hook inspection.
*The foregoing OSHA regulations are not intended to be a comprehensive overview of all applicable regulations pertaining to the designated topic. State laws may mandate different safety and maintenance standards. Accordingly, please consult applicable state laws as well as original equipment manufacturer specifications for further guidance. The statements and descriptions contained herein constitute the opinion/recommendation of the seller and are not intended to create any express warranties.