Konecranes Portal
Konecranes Portal is your single point of access to our digital customer platforms for industrial crane maintenance information and TRUCONNECT data, and spare parts, accessories and manuals.
Konecranes Portal is your single point of access to our digital customer platforms for industrial crane maintenance information and TRUCONNECT data, and spare parts, accessories and manuals.
In 2013, Konecranes was the first company in the world to introduce an Automated Rubber Tired Gantry (ARTG) System on a wide commercial scale. A number of container terminal operators are now using the system.
The Konecranes ARTG system version 2.0 offers great new advantages for operators of container terminals using RTG cranes. Foremost among these is how it can be retrofit to literally any brownfield container terminal. It can fit any container stack envelope because it uses space very effectively. Its truck handling concept is versatile. Truck handling is automated, with remote supervision. One remote supervisor can operate up to five ARTGs simultaneously.
Furthermore, the ARTG system version 2.0 is equipped with the latest wireless communication technology: control signals and video signals are now wireless. This means that the ARTGs can be diesel-powered, there is no need for cable reels and fiber optics.
The Konecranes ARTG system version 2.0 will be instrumental in driving the evolution of RTG-based container terminals to fully automated operation.
We're offering you the results of our recent proof-of-concept study, in which we partner with Fluidmesh to create a low latency and high throughput wireless network: a 100% wireless port connectivity solution. Log In or Sign Up to Konecranes ZONE to access this and many other valuable Whitepapers.