
Questions to ask when selecting a transportable crane

Today’s businesses need flexibility and mobility. You must be able to adapt to the requirements of your business, no matter where operations might be located. Here is one solution: a transportable crane. With this equipment, you are no longer tied to any one place.

Do you need to lift in several locations?

This is perhaps one of the most important questions to ask. Are your operations located in different places? Perhaps you have several locations in which you need lifting equipment. A transportable crane makes moving between sites quick and simple. If your processes move between locations, there is no need to buy a new crane, and it doesn’t matter where you go. A transportable crane does not need to be connected to building supports, but stands alone.

Are your lifting needs temporary?

If your lifting need in each location is permanent, you may wish to build a facility to manage that lifting. If your lifting is only temporary, or the need is not continuous, a transportable crane could be your answer. For example, transportable cranes are useful in construction. Once building is finished, the crane can be moved to a different construction site. They are also good for heavy equipment servicing, where they are only needed during the service period. You can use them to load and unload vehicles and many other short-term lifting tasks.

Do you need a mobile workshop?

Every piece of equipment you use needs maintenance. A crane that comes with a tool storage area and a small workshop means you don’t have to take your equipment to your main facility for small maintenance or repair jobs. You can perform those tasks in the field without losing extra time on transport. Your operation will be faster and more streamlined.

How important is safety?

A good transportable crane is as sturdy and safe as one in a factory. During lifting operations, true vertical lift is the key factor, as there is only one direction of movement: up or down.

An overhead crane can be mounted on a tough steel structure, supported by the weight and strength of two standard shipping containers. This arrangement is very stable, both indoors and outdoors. It also decreases the amount of force required for lifting, giving you a powerful and adaptable transportable crane.

In addition, a radio controller gives you the freedom to move and position yourself so that you have the best view of the lifting action. It also allows you a safe operating area with a clear distance between your load and any other equipment or personnel.

Not only cost-efficient, but eco-efficient as well

A good-quality crane is an investment, so it is more cost effective if it can be used as much as possible. If your crane is only needed occasionally or for a short time, could you move it and use the same crane somewhere else? A transportable crane that is quick and easy to move will help you save time and money throughout your operation. A crane that travels in a standard shipping container and uses the same containers for physical support is doubly efficient. It is also egolocial solution as the same crane can be moved and used in several locations.

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