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Eight key attributes of an effective crane preventive maintenance program

Don’t let your cranes become the center of attention: minimize unplanned downtime with a preventive maintenance program.

Cranes and hoists are often critical components of industrial manufacturing facilities; but generally, they are not always foremost in mind. When your cranes perform at their best, doing their jobs as designed, no one complains. Few people would have reason to look up and notice them. When performing reliably, your cranes are somewhat invisible. They simply wait off stage, playing out their roles when called up and then returning to the wings until their next cue. They are supporting players, making production the star of the show.

However, the show doesn’t always play out as rehearsed. If you are a maintenance manager, it is a problem when your show goes off script, when your cranes steal the spotlight and upstage production.

Therein lies a challenge for many industrial manufacturing facilities: what is the right amount of attention at the right time so that your cranes and hoists support production by performing when called upon without fuss?

An effective preventive maintenance program can help address potential maintenance issues before they spoil production, compromise employee safety and negatively impact revenue. While most companies do have some sort of preventive maintenance program, many of these programs are not as robust as they could be. Even with good maintenance programs, there is always room for improvement.

This white paper takes a look at the key components of an effective preventive maintenance program that can help improve the safety, productivity and reliability levels of overhead cranes and hoists in a typical industrial manufacturing environment.

Benefits of an effective preventive maintenance program

At a most basic level, an effective preventive maintenance program consists of periodic inspections, routine maintenance and repairs. The objective is three-fold: to help comply with regulations, to follow manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance and to reduce the likelihood of failures that result in unplanned downtime. Preventive maintenance, when done properly, is an investment, not an expense. When it comes to cranes, there are a number of benefits to having an effective preventive maintenance program:

  • The right preventive maintenance program can have a significant impact on the performance and reliability levels of your cranes
  • Regularly scheduled inspections help identify and address safety issues before they threaten employee safety and affect company revenue.
  • A good preventive maintenance program can help minimize the frequency and cost of unplanned downtime.
  • Planned and scheduled maintenance work can help minimize excessive labor and parts replacement.
  • A maintenance program can help assess whether your cranes are being used properly or as intended, and identify opportunities for user/operator training.
  • Preventive maintenance conducted at regularly scheduled intervals can often be the most effective way to maintain and potentially extend the lifespan of certain cranes.
  • Preventive maintenance supports compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Download the white paper to learn more.