Crane technician on crane

Crane modernization provides the benefits of new equipment at much less than the cost of new

Theodore Haalstra Director of Modernizations & Technical Support

Overhead crane modernizations provide crane owners more functional, productive, up-to-date equipment that meets the latest safety standards – at just a fraction of the cost of buying new equipment.

Crane modernization is an excellent solution for companies concerned with controlling expenses while needing to maintain optimal productivity and efficiency so they remain competitive in the marketplace.

By opting for crane modernization, owners of overhead lifting equipment can extend the initial investment they made in their equipment as they bring it up to current standards and state-of-the-art technology and functionality. They end up with a crane that meets current productivity and safety standards, preventing it from becoming obsolete.

A crane modernization enables you to update a piece of overhead lifting equipment so that it better meets your current material handling requirements, which typically change over time as your business develops, technology evolves and customer expectations rise.

Crane modernization can be an important part of your efforts to modernize your overall business and keep it relevant in relation to your competition, standards in your industry and what your customers expect.

Modernizing your lifting equipment also helps prevent the downtime often experienced when equipment ages. The less downtime you experience, the more opportunity you will have to keep on track with production schedules and deliver as promised to your customers.

Konecranes customizes crane modernization to meet your specific production and operational needs. Our modernization experts will assess your equipment, talk with you about your needs and provide you a solution that will meet or exceed those needs while helping you avoid the cost of buying new. A crane modernization by Konecranes will also comply with current safety requirements so you will stay compliant.

A crane modernization by Konecranes can be performed on equipment of any make or model, and may include any or all of the following depending on your specific needs:

  • Electrical and mechanical components for crane use
  • Capacity upgrades
  • Safety and compliance refurbishments
  • Crane or warehouse automations
  • Runway modernizations


Learn more about Konecranes modernizations.