Agilon warehouse automation frees up space, saves time, makes inventory easier and improves customer service at EC Electro Center Oy in Tampere, Finland.

Electro Center Oy manufactures e-house solutions related to electric power distribution and machine control, as well as electrical and automation switchgear and control panels. The company’s most important market and customer segments are shipyard cranes, renewable energy, and glass technology, as well as the mining, paper and marine industries. Its products are included in solutions delivered by global machinery and equipment manufacturers worldwide.


Challenge: More space needed for a component shop

EC Electro Center is especially proud of its component shop, which offers a wide selection of electrical and automation components to meet the needs of machinery and equipment manufacturers, electrical contractors, and industrial maintenance service providers.

Agilon occupies only 55 m2 of floor space, leaving 245 m2 free for the component shop.

Mika Vaherla, Sales Director, Electro Center Oy

EC Electro Center wanted to improve its services and expand its pickup desk and small item storage into a component shop. The open shelves in the small item storage occupied almost all 300 square-meter floor space, and the company wanted to free up most of it for the shop. Additionally, warehouse management was completely manual and mainly relied on the employees’ good memory.

Solution: Agilon frees up 245 m2 of space

Agilon was installed between the component shop and the production facilities. The 32-metre-long and 6.1-metre-high device is equipped with two robots. It occupies only 55 m2 of floor space, leaving 245 m2 free for the shop. In addition to creating the shop, floor space was freed up in the production cells since part of the components were re-located to Agilon.

Users quickly learned how to use the system. It has been designed so simply that you only need short guidance to get started

 Petri Helminen, Electro Center Oy


“About 15 users quickly learned how to use the system. It has been designed so simply that you only need short guidance to get started,” remarks Component Seller Petri Helminen, Agilon super user.

Agilon has been integrated with a Lemon enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to create orders and Agilon picking lists.

Easy inventory and online warehouse management

An automatic warehousing system saves time. You do not need to go to the warehouse to search for a product; you can immediately see its availability in the system. EC Electro Center’s buyer keeps an eye on the alert list in Agilon and orders more products when the stock alert limit is reached. While the ERP system is currently being updated, the company is considering an option to add an automated order call-out feature to Agilon with integration into its suppliers’ ERP systems.

Inventory is more straightforward: the system saves us several weeks of manual work annually

Petri Helminen, Component Seller, Electro Center Oy


“Also, inventory is now easier. The system saves us several weeks of manual work annually that was previously carried out by several staff members. Now, the same information exists both in Agilon and the ERP system. This saved time can be used for productive work that leads to higher production,” Helminen continues. “Real-time inventory balances are available through the portal. So when I visit customers, I can check product availability immediately if necessary.”

“In the future, we intend to reduce storage space in our production cells, and Agilon plays a pivotal role in helping us achieve this. We want to optimise system use and store products only with high turnover,” Vaherla fills in.

Next: Direct feed to assembly points and 24/7 customer service

In the future, the company plans to use Agilon and its features to improve production and customer service.

“We envision extending Agilon to assembly points with large volumes. Feeding particular components to those points would save our picker’s working time. Our plan also includes improving customer service by offering some specific customers 24/7 access to our facilities and Agilon, enabling fast service round the clock.”

They react even before the customer has time to pick up a phone

Helminen gives special recognition to the customer service at Konecranes for its rapid response in problem situations. They react even before the customer has time to pick up a phone. “A few times, we have not even noticed any tech problems. Customer service has called to say that a technician is on the way.”

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Agilon boosts sales, efficiency in warehousing and production


Watch the video to see how Agilon is used in the Electro Center between the component shop and production facilities

Learn how Agilon has revolutionized material handling for our customers

Contact us to learn more about Agilon and how it would benefit your business

Component seller Petri Helminen in the Electro Center component shop
Component seller Petri Helminen in the Electro Center component shop


“Inventory is also easier now. The system saves us several weeks of manual work annually that was previously carried out by several staff members,”  Petri Helminen reveals cheerfully.

Warehouse worker Antti Toijanen in front of the Agilon warehouse
Warehouse worker Antti Toijanen in front of the Agilon warehouse

Working with small items and effective storage

Antti Toijanen uses Agilon while shelving components and picking them for production needs. “The device is handy in working with small items and provides effective storage space.”

Marko Remsu serves the customer in the Electro Center component shop
Marko Remsu serves the customer in the Electro Center component shop

Swift delivery of components

The component shop features one access point and a short roller conveyor, which swiftly delivers the components needed by customers. Pictured Marko Remsu at work.
