
New Life for an Old Crane

Sooner or later, the owners of port cargo handling equipment are going to face a number of technical and organizational questions about the future.


After 15-20 years of operation, the steel structure and mechanical components of most port lifting machines still function well. However, these cranes often become obsolete for several reasons:

  1. Lack of spare parts and technical support for discontinued components. The next generation of electronics and computerized parts becomes available every 5-7 years.
  2. More stringent safety requirements. Regulations for the safety of personnel, cargo and lifting equipment are tighter when compared with the rules of 15-20 years ago.
  3. Improvements in ergonomic and operational design. Technological developments have given modern lifting machines a range of features that make the work of operators easier.
  4. Environmental concerns. Modern companies and their customers want to reduce carbon emissions (such as those produced by cranes with a diesel genset) and use environmentally friendly materials in the manufacture of their equipment.

There is a need to bring old cranes into line with current requirements. In essence, crane owners at ports tell crane manufacturers that “we want our old cranes to have the same systems and features as new cranes, and it should not be expensive.” An existing crane can have new technology added to it through a retrofit or a modernization. The main difference between the two methods is that the retrofit has a higher level of standardization, usually around 70-95%. In other words, a retrofit is mostly a ready-made standard product which is applicable to a specific model, make, or type of crane – sometimes even all the cranes in a terminal or company fleet. To install this product on a specific crane, it takes about 5-30% of the engineering work of a modernization. By contrast, a modernization is a unique product, designed for one crane only. The retrofit is a mass product.

If the retrofit can be applied to several cranes in a fleet, it only needs to be designed once, which provides significant savings, lowering the overall price, and making it a more competitive option.

The four reasons that cause cranes to become obsolete has guided development of the four main types of retrofits:

  1. Drive and control system retrofits;
  2. Safety-assisting retrofits;
  3. Automation and operator-assisting retrofits;
  4. Power supply system retrofits.

Each of these types of retrofits can be installed separately or in combination with other types of retrofits. For a deeper understanding of the retrofit concept, let’s consider each type separately.

Drive and control system retrofits

Most of the old crane control systems which rely on technology such as contactors, relays, thyristor DC drives, and some frequency converter AC drives, are technically and physically outdated.

Manufacturers no longer provide spare parts and technical support for obsolete components. Repair work for old electric and electronic components is quite expensive and sometimes not even possible. All this leads to crane downtime.

Owners with several identical cranes sometimes use one of them for spare parts. However, this cannibalizing can only ever be a temporary solution. When they have both old and new cranes in their fleet, owners quickly realize that the modern diagnostic systems on new cranes help identify faults faster, improving crane reliability and uptime. Even so, their old cranes are still in good condition and do not yet need to be replaced.

The question is: “How is it possible to keep the old crane reliable and improve its functionality on a budget?” The answer is: “Retrofits.”

Konecranes has been adding retrofits to port cranes since 2013. Over the five-year period 2013-2018, the drive and control system retrofit was installed on 75 rubber tired gantry (RTG) cranes worldwide. The retrofit concept and scope were defined to maximize standardization in modular design and the specification of components. A standard drive and control system retrofit includes:

  • New electrical control panels (including frequency converters) in the crane electrical room;
  • New crane management system (CMS);
  • New touch panels to replace obsolete operator displays
  • Upgraded programmable logic controller (PLC) components to support Ethernet, Profinet and Profibus protocols;
  • Updated PLC software;
  • New 3G/4G modem for remote diagnostic and monitoring functions.

Optional extras in the drive and control system retrofit are:

  • New braking resistors for frequency converters;
  • New trolley cable (or festoon);
  • New operator control devices (e.g. change analog joysticks to digital).

Other retrofits, such as safety, automation and power supply systems, can function as additional options for the drive and control system retrofit. The modular design of these retrofits make them easy to integrate into the general crane control and diagnostic system.

Konecranes assembles and tests all retrofit components at the company factory in southern Finland. All testing is done before shipping to reduce equipment downtime. Depending on the options, a retrofit will keep the crane out of service for an average of 7-10 days during installation and commissioning.

A drive and control system retrofit is an efficient and economical solution. At only 15-30% of the price of a new crane (depending on the options), a customer gets a crane with new, modern control and diagnostic systems, remote monitoring functions and full spare parts support from Konecranes. It uses high-speed standard data transfer via Ethernet and Profinet, and a modular PLC software structure allows smooth integration with other systems. For example, a crane could be connected via Ethernet with the terminal operating system (TOS). This lets the TOS exchange data with the crane, which is the first step towards terminal automation.

How can we help?

More Port Services

RetrofitsService & MaintenancePort PartsInspectionsModernizationsTrainingDigital ServicesConsulting & Engineering
Consult & Engineering Port Services
Consult & Engineering Port Services

Consulting & Engineering

Complex and Custom.

We conduct feasibility studies for major changes to terminals and equipment. We also assist terminals to plan and design tailored or specific modifications to existing cranes and fleets, across most brands.

Retrofits Servicios portuarios
Retrofits Servicios portuarios


Old cranes, like new.

Retrofits provide your cranes with new technology that was not available when they were originally delivered. It brings their handling, function and reliability up to the same level as the latest generation of Konecranes port lifting equipment.



Port Services Service and Maintenance
Port Services Service and Maintenance

Service & Maintenance

Lower total cost of ownership.

An active preventive maintenance program is fully customized within factory specifications for your particular equipment, applications and duty cycle. Konecranes offers preventive and predictive programs for all types of port cranes, including a full range of spare parts, under a full maintenance agreement. Your equipment will last much longer, giving you a lower total cost of ownership.

Port Parts Map
Port Parts Map

Port Parts

It doesn’t matter who made your equipment, how old it is or where you are.

Port Services contains the entire global port parts supply function, centred around a consolidated and centralized warehouse in Würzburg and dedicated regional supply centres in USA, China and Finland.  

  • Dedicated Procurement Team
  • Own Customer Service Team
  • Dedicated Shipping & Export Team
  • Global Digital/ IT tools & Data Management Team
Slider Inspection
Slider Inspection


Be Sure.

Konecranes has a team of trained and certified inspectors who use tools that were specially developed in-house to assess the condition of your equipment. Their reports help prioritize recommendations for troubleshooting and repairs.

An inspection is the primary source of information that guides repairs, service, maintenance or upgrades. Regular inspections maximize the safety and reliability of your equipment, ensuring less breakdowns and higher productivity. You get the knowledge to make better decisions about your capital resources and your business.




Same Crane. Improved Utilization.

Upgrade your cranes by making major changes to their design, such as height, outreach, or a different line-of-sight for the operator. You can re-purpose your cranes for new applications, functions or locations, or accommodate increases in vessel size. Available across the entire Konecranes port equipment range.

Online Training
Online Training


Maximize safety and efficiency.

Highly-qualified and experienced Konecranes instructors run a comprehensive range of practical training courses that certify your staff in the safe and efficient operation of your Konecranes Port Solutions products.

Technical training instructs your service staff in the daily care of your cranes, and operator training helps maximize the productivity of your drivers in the container yard.

Remote Service
Remote Service

Digital Services

Tools that maximize your operational efficiency.

We continue to develop digital tools that make owing Konecranes equipment safer, simpler and more cost efficient. From comprehensive remote monitoring options to smart phone apps our tools deliver critical data to your team, for smart and swift decisions.

Consult & Engineering Port Services
Consult & Engineering Port Services

Consulting & Engineering

Complex and Custom.

We conduct feasibility studies for major changes to terminals and equipment. We also assist terminals to plan and design tailored or specific modifications to existing cranes and fleets, across most brands.

Retrofits Servicios portuarios
Retrofits Servicios portuarios


Old cranes, like new.

Retrofits provide your cranes with new technology that was not available when they were originally delivered. It brings their handling, function and reliability up to the same level as the latest generation of Konecranes port lifting equipment.



Remote Operation Illustration
Remote Operation Illustration
Ports. evolved.

Konecranes Port Services

The fleet you have today can be the fleet you need tomorrow.

Konecranes is the premier port services provider to brownfield ports and container terminals.

We are continuously developing a range of services and products that help existing terminals to adapt and thrive in any changing environment.

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of your nearest Konecranes Port Services branch. 


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  • Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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    English speaking direct number: +44 7795 294167 (Mr. James SAVOY)

    French speaking direct number: +44 7769 834661 (Mr. Kamel ALI)

    Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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  • Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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    English speaking direct number: +44 7795 294167 (Mr. James SAVOY)

    French speaking direct number: +44 7769 834661 (Mr. Kamel ALI)

    Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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  • Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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    English speaking direct number: +44 7795 294167 (Mr. James SAVOY)

    French speaking direct number: +44 7769 834661 (Mr. Kamel ALI)

  • Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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    English speaking direct number: +44 7795 294167 (Mr. James SAVOY)

    French speaking direct number: +44 7769 834661 (Mr. Kamel ALI)

  • Port Services Partner: Paterson Simons & Co. (Africa) Limited

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    English speaking direct number: +44 7795 294167 (Mr. James SAVOY)

    French speaking direct number: +44 7769 834661 (Mr. Kamel ALI)

    Port Services/Banbury Parts/Training Centre

    Phone:+44 1295 676210

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    Our Banbury office is home to Konecranes Parts Distribution Centre; Ports Service Division and Training Department. 

  • Port Services Partner: Eksen Makina Servis Ticaret Ltd.

    Phone:+90 216 4163969

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    Phone:+61 1300 937 637

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    Phone:+63 917 533 1611

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  • Port Services Partner: MTECH

    Phone:+66 80 238 5385

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  • Port Services Partner: DMD 23 EOOD (Vesdra)

    Phone:+359 88 8600080

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  • Port Services Partner: Port-Trade Aps. DK

    Phone:+45 7628 0102

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  • Port Services Partner: Port Marine Solutions Ltd. TZ

    Phone:+255 (754) 050505

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  • Port Services Partner: Port Marine Ltd. Kenya

    Phone:+254 716000110

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  • Port Services Partner: Mobile Heavy Machinery

    Phone:+370 5 264 0633

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  • Port Services Partner: Fantuzzi Noell Baltic

    Phone:+358 400 611 453

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    Port Parts: Finland

    Phone:+358 400 956696

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  • Port Services Partner: PT Multi Guna

    Phone:+62 812 7664 8648

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    Port Services: Indonesia

    Phone:+62 21 50998838

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    Fax: +62 21 79182581

    Tanjung Indonesia - Port Services
    Tanjung Indonesia - Port Services
  • Port Services Partner: MIPEC Technologies

    Phone:+84 989 060 164

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  • Port Services Partner: GGPC

    Phone:+57 601 300 4203

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  • Port Services Partner: RIMAC/TFD

    Phone:+55 11 5548-1500

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  • Port Services Partner: Fesanco & Cofesan

    Phone:+56 32 299 8600

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  • Port Services Partner: Kilwoo

    Phone:+82 10 8415 8206

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  • Port Services: Manzanillo, Mexico

    Phone:+52 229 921 0349

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    Phone:+971 50 107 4956

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    Phone:+01 913 217 8024

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    Phone:+01 901 262 7077

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    Port Services: Georgia, USA

    Phone:+01 912 965 0275

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    Port Services: Birmingham, AL

    Crane & Hoist Service, Repair and Maintenance Serving Bessemer, Tuscaloosa, and Greater Birmingham Areas



    The Birmingham Konecranes team provides businesses of Birmingham and Central Alabama with expert repair, maintenance and crane equipment needs. From preventative maintenance programs to emergency repair service on your lifting equipment, we will keep your business running smoothly.

    Port Services Birmingham
    Port Services Birmingham
  • Port Services: APAC Region & Singapore

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    Phone:080 - 25522213/14

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    Phone:+27 (0) 83 277 2262

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    Phone:+32 3 546 45 00

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