Results from newest to oldest: 68

FirstLight Power Resources
Customer story
Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station, Northfield, Mass. FirstLight Power Resources’ Northfield Mountain pumped storage hydroelectric power…
Gradient image
Increase your productivity with well-maintained cranes and digital service tools Manufacturing facilities must maintain a…
Overhead crane with operator cab.
For facilities seeking ways to reduce power consumption and long-term operating costs, a potential source of savings can be found by…
Konecranes technician consults with customer
We provide industry-leading maintenance services for all types and makes of industrial cranes and hoists.​ Our objective is to improve the…
Konecranes crane has a steel structure analysis
The Steel Structure Analysis has been designed to calculate the remaining fatigue life in a crane steel structure and inspect it for any defects. The…
Improving safety and productivity Every worker around the globe wants to return home safely at the end of each shift. No matter what industry…
Konecranes reach stacker in port
Customer story
Location: Tianjin, China. Challenge: Improve efficiency to increase business at a busy container facility. Solution: Robust equipment that can adapt…
HMK 330 EG mobile harbor crane in Bergé’s terminal in the Port of Málaga
Customer story
Since 2016, Bergé has seen a gradually rising demand for its handling services at its terminal in the Port of Málaga. To meet this challenge quickly…
The Oyu Tolgoi mine in the Gobi Desert
Customer story
In Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, over 500 kilometers south of Ulaanbaatar, lies the Oyu Tolgoi mine. The site is being developed as a joint venture…