Tablet with yourKONECRANES data

yourKONECRANES is a crane information hot spot

What if you had access to your most important crane information – asset details, operating data and service information – in one place, available when you need it? After intensive development, is that source, providing Konecranes service customers with online access to their crane operating and service data.

yourKONECRANES is a cloud-based, online customer portal, combining data from different Konecranes source systems; operating data from TRUCONNECT Remote Service, maintenance data from Siebel Field Service, and other relevant customer reports and documents. Previously these information streams have been separate from one another.

yourKONECRANES brings maintenance data, remote monitoring data and customer data together, giving much richer and more transparent information to the customer.

The inspiration for the new yourKONECRANES customer portal came from a desire to streamline customers’ connection to their data through Konecranes in the digital space. The central aim of yourKONECRANES is to harmonize information systems, with the long-term goal of giving customers one simple interface where their aggregated crane data can be found through a single source at the press of a button. This combined data will aid asset management. The new interface provides visibility to asset details; safety and compliance inspection findings; maintenance spending and updates; service requests; usage information and alerts; Service and Business Review data; and other information for easy access and sharing.

A lot of information at a glance

YourKONECRANES offers a variety of information categories from a selected time period through multiple data views. The Overview shows asset operating data like running hours and starts, including risk records, service packages delivered and service spend – all of which can be sorted and prioritized by asset, helping to isolate problems with specific pieces of equipment. This type of data is invaluable to expenditure efficiency.

The Activity view details TRUCONNECT alerts, service events and progress, service histories and active service requests. Service events are categorized by type for easy viewing, using a color coding system to indicate completed services (green), services in progress (yellow) and services delayed (red).

Other features include the Calendar view, which shows services and activities; the Fleet view, which displays assets and their details; service and spending history information suitable for Service and Business Reviews; and a Document view for storage and retrieval of documents, such as archival reports and technical drawings.

Developed with the customer in mind was designed from its earliest stages with input from customers and with customer usability foremost in mind. Since its launch in Finland in February 2015, yourKONECRANES has received a great amount of enthusiastic feedback.

Konecranes has succeeded in developing a customer portal that unifies and provides convenient access to both fleet maintenance and operating data. The user interface is responsive and supported by all Internet-enabled devices.



Text: Daniel Penfold
Photo: Konecranes

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