Hämeenlinna factory

Konecranes’ first carbon-neutral certified factory gears up its energy efficiency activities

In 2022, Konecranes achieved its science-based target of reducing the emissions of own operations (Scope 1 & 2) by 50 % from 2019 – eight years ahead of schedule. Due to this great progress a new, more ambitious target was set: Carbon neutral own operations by 2030. Konecranes Hämeenlinna factory in Finland shows the way in decarbonizing its operations as it has received the company’s first CarbonNeutral® building certification. The certification marks another step forward for Konecranes in its efforts to cut emissions in both its own operations and its value chain. 

Konecranes Hämeenlinna factory received CarbonNeutral® building certification first time in 2023 in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol, which is the leading global framework for carbon neutrality. The certification is the result of Konecranes’ own actions in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, as well as purchasing carbon credits to compensate the emissions that cannot be eliminated yet. 

After the initial certification in 2023, Hämeenlinna factory has further decreased emissions, for example by modernizing the gear factory case hardening process. Since 2019, the Hämeenlinna factory has successfully reduced emissions by 72 percent, and the work continues to minimize the emissions altogether: For example, as some of the next steps, the majority of the diesel forklifts will be replaced with electric ones and for the remaining diesel forklifts renewable fuel will be used. Similar energy efficiency improvements are ongoing in Konecranes’ other factories worldwide.

See what the employees say

Energy efficiency improvements in Konecranes Hämeenlinna factory, Finland

The energy efficiency improvements in Hämeenlinna factory, Finland, have paid off well from health, safety, environmental as well as from a business point of view. For example, the HVAC renewal has shown that the employee’s working conditions have improved, and the case hardening process modernization improved the safety of the employees as there are no longer flames. Additionally, there is no longer a need for detergents and oil, which is better for the environment. Also, the process time is shorter, and the processed parts come out clean and with better quality.


Watch this video to see what the employees in Hämeenlinna say about the energy efficiency improvements they have made at the factory.

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About Konecranes’ climate agenda

Limiting global warming to less than 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels requires urgent actions, something made clear in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in March 2023. Businesses and companies will play a key role in this work, and Konecranes is executing its climate roadmap at full speed. Konecranes has set ambitious science-based emission reduction targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in January 2022.

By the end of 2022 the company had halved its Scope 1 and 2 emissions – greenhouse gas emissions caused by own operations – versus 2019, the base year for the science-based targets. Scope 3 emissions – those created in Konecranes’ value chain and including the use of sold products and steel purchases – remain the largest hurdle to clear, currently representing over 99% of Konecranes’ total emissions. Here the company has managed to cut emissions by 19% compared to 2019.

“Sustainability is a priority and a strength for Konecranes. To reach our science-based targets, we need to make significant changes in all areas of our operations, and we take this challenge seriously. Our progress in reducing emissions from our own operations is promising, but we’re not done yet. In addition to investing in renewable energy we are looking at further improving energy efficiency by, for example, improving the fuel efficiency of the company vehicle fleet or, where possible, switching to electrification altogether. The Scope 3 target will be reached through steps including electrifying our offering in Port Solutions, developing more energy-efficient hoists for Industrial Equipment and Service, and working with our suppliers for reducing the emissions related to steel production,” said Anniina Virta-Toikka, VP, Sustainability at Konecranes.

Konecranes Sustainability Report 2023

Konecranes Sustainability Report 2023

The Sustainability Report 2023 shows Konecranes' unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship—a commitment that reaches from the heart of its operations out across the broader industrial landscape.

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