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Optimized for container handling industry, MHC and LT products
Konecranes has contributed to this article that was published in the September 2023 issue of Port Strategy Magazine to provide a round up of the latest new cargo handling plants used in ports that use clean power, ie electric power or hybrid or another form of clean power.
Increasing numbers of terminals are opting to electrify their cargo operations as they face growing pressure to reduce their CO2 emissions.
The target of net zero emissions by 2050, meeting Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements and regional regulations such as the 2021 EU Green Deal target of 90 per cent emissions reductions for EU port cities by 2050, means that decarbonising cargo handling systems is a greater priority than ever.
While there are challenges to overcome, including infrastructure, charging and training, port operators can reap benefits including achieving greater energy efficiency, a decrease in maintenance costs and a boost in productivity.
Over the last 12 months manufacturers have launched diverse new electric-powered port cargo handling equipment. Some are going further and developing hydrogen-fuelled solutions, leading to more cross-industry collaboration, as companies develop and pilot new solutions.
Konecranes battery RTG
Konecranes has launched a new RTG that runs off Lithium-ion battery power. The company singles out how the Battery RTG provides the eco-efficiency of all-electric operation while “cutting the strings” of cable reel and busbar infrastructure in the yard. This is because the battery RTG works either with a charging station or with manual plug-in to the mains for charging and is connected to the harbour mains via regular underground cables, enabling the RTG to be adopted easily by brownfield container terminals without major yard adjustments. The technology can also be retrofitted to any brand of RTG. The battery room is equipped with air conditioning for heating or cooling as outside temperature dictates, keeping an optimum temperature inside the battery room for optimum battery performance. The design life of the battery pack is eight years.
Konecranes Noell battery straddle carrier
Konecranes’ Noell Battery Straddle Carrier, launched in June 2022, comes with automated charging stations and can handle containers 1-over-3 high with twin-lift capability. Konecranes has chosen an “out of operation” charging strategy following comprehensive analysis and simulations. This means that when the charge runs low, the straddle carrier is taken out of operation and fully charged so it can return to duty and do a complete, unhindered work cycle not interrupted by intermediate charging needs. This enables the straddle carriers to be deployed intelligently so there is no idle time for the operators while recharging the battery. Operators shift between drained machines and fully charged machines at pre-defined points in their work shifts. Konecranes says: “This strategy is the most pragmatic for battery straddle carrier operations.”
To read the full article that was written and published by Port Strategy, follow this link here.
Konecranes works for a decarbonized and circular world for customers and society. We are helping to build the means to get there for our customers, step by step. At Konecranes we call this Ecolifting™, a systematic movement towards lower CO2 per container move.