Curiosity paved the way to a new career path

Cybersecurity is an especially vital part of our operations here at Konecranes, and Teemu’s career journey at our company highlights a story of constant growth and adaptability in the field.

Teemu Puustinen Tech Career Story

Meet Teemu Puustinen

A leap into the unknown

Teemu started his career at Konecranes within the Research & Innovation (R&I) department. He ultimately gained responsibility in many projects, including the cutting-edge S-series wire rope hoist pre-study that helped improve lifting technology.

The desire for new challenges provided at the company prompted a career transition, with Teemu deciding to challenge a field that combines his interests in technology with safeguarding: thus followed his shift into the intriguing world of cybersecurity. Due to the development of his soft skills – including the ability to listen, communicate, and understand others – Teemu has been able to navigate a field that strongly encourages these abilities. Aiming to influence human behavior in positive ways, his interest in all things cybersecurity is rooted in his desire to understand how people think.

“Cybersecurity is a ‘hype’ topic nowadays, and we at Konecranes want to distinguish ourselves from competitors in this field. It has been a privilege to be a part of this cybersecurity journey that still continues,” Teemu explains.

Milestones in a collaborative environment

Teemu’s journey has been marked by key contributions that have elevated our company’s market solutions – both in R&I and cybersecurity. Alongside the contribution of his colleagues, his input in the S-series wire rope hoist reshaped the world of lifting equipment, emphasizing his innovative mind and deep understanding of customer needs. In addition to these vast milestones, Teemu has liaised across different internal teams, highlighting Konecranes’ collaborative spirit and expansive network. The exchange of ideas and best practices is intrinsic to our company’s culture and has further enhanced Teemu’s own career development.

“Konecranes has a very low level of hierarchy, which makes it easy to ask others for help. My colleagues are always ready to support and assist me with anything, and we can achieve more together.”

Culture of learning and adaptation

Ever since being a part of our company’s cybersecurity, Teemu’s repertoire of skills has expanded to include managerial prowess, strong people skills, and an acute awareness surrounding security. “I have been able to improve my listening skills, which has helped me build connections with other people – even in cases where we might approach matters from different perspectives.”

Today, Teemu stands as one of the many guardians of Konecranes’ digital fortress, contributing to the company’s capability to combat cyber threats. In an increasingly digitalized landscape, this ability is inevitable.

Faith in flexibility and a diverse spirit

Teemu’s personal values and our company’s work ethos go hand in hand: both highlight the need for flexibility, diversity, as well as inclusion. The warm and embracing work environment at Konecranes has challenged and embraced Teemu as an individual – both inside and outside the office. In Teemu’s words, it’s Konecranes’ culture that makes daily life at the company not only a job, but also, a place where one truly feels included.

“You don’t only develop your career by yourself: the culture of the company you work in will always impact your career. You get influenced by the people you work with.”

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