Results from newest to oldest: 110

Konecranes hoist
James Lang – General Manager, Konecranes Training Institute  Today’s pressure to achieve ever-increasing productivity leads to ever-expanding…
Konecranes crane in facility.
Randy Flippen - Technician In normal operation, overhead crane hoists are designed to lift an object at a vertical angle. A side pull is when a…
Konecranes trainer training crane operators.
Mike Giebler, Technician - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma In today’s industrial environment there is decreasing tolerance for employers and facilities that…
Konecranes overhead crane incident study
The Konecranes Training Institute conducted a study to determine the source of overhead crane incidents including an analysis of fatalities and…
Overhead crane operator
Marty Walters - Safety Manager Advances in crane safety technology can greatly reduce the risk of accidents that result in injury and property…
Crane operator operating overhead crane.
Advances in crane safety technology have lowered the risks associated with crane operation, but proper crane safety techniques practiced by crane…
Konecranes technician works on crane modernization
Cal Sproul - Modernizations and Advanced Service Manager Crane modernizations solve the dilemma that many companies face: being caught between the…
Crane technician on crane
Theodore Haalstra Director of Modernizations & Technical Support Overhead crane modernizations provide crane owners more functional, productive…
Konecranes crane in a factory
Predictive maintenance utilizes condition monitoring, advanced inspections, and data analytics to predict component or equipment failure.…