Mechanical gripper crane for paper rolls

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mechanical gripper_real_Metsa

Designed for efficiency and uptime

A mechanical gripper crane lifts paper rolls at a paper mill, takes them to storage, where they are usually kept vertically in stacks, and puts them into place for shipping. Handling paper rolls is a critical task in paper production, so they require smooth and efficient travel. A gripper crane is particularly useful when preparing for sea transport, as packing to prevent damage from the movement of a cargo vessel means that paper rolls cannot be lifted by vacuum technology.

A Konecranes mechanical gripper crane has a gentle grip with six evenly distributed friction pads to minimize roll deformation, and guiding slides to protect rolls from accidental contact with the pads. It uses the latest technology, including smart sensors and other intelligent features, to protect paper rolls from damage during lifting. Crane design improves the use of space in paper storage area and makes retrieval more efficient.

Customer story - Metsä Board Äänekoski Finland

“We had a really tight schedule. The average delivery time for the contractors was down to four months. For Konecranes, that was not an issue, and they delivered the grip on time. We noticed that Konecranes’ people are really professional, the same professionals that we learned to appreciate the last time we worked with them, in 2008. Even our special requests were handled quickly, and production started in September, exactly on time.”

Timo Salo, Project Manager, Metsä Board

Automatic, safer and gentle handling

Everywhere you look in the paper and forest industry, you’ll find Konecranes machines at work, such as this mechanical gripper. Our customers know that Konecranes gives them lifting equipment that lasts due to the technical expertise that goes into it and our global service network providing real-time maintenance and upgrades, all leading to the highest lifecycle value.

Get in touch with our experts to learn more about our mechanical grippers for paper rolls

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