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Questions to ask when selecting a transportable crane

How to decide if your need transportable lifting

Today’s businesses need flexibility and mobility. You must be able to adapt to the requirements of your business, no matter where operations might be located.

Here is one solution: a transportable crane. With this equipment, you are no longer tied to any one place. You can pack it up easily and ship it where you need it. After only a few hours’ installation, you have factory-level lifting equipment at your disposal, anywhere you like, indoors or out. All you need is a level surface on which to place the base of the crane.

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White paper summary

This white paper, based on 80 years of experience with designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing lifting equipment, presents five things to consider when choosing a crane. Follow this step-by-step guide to help you determine whether mobile equipment would be the best option for your lifting needs.

  1. Do you need to lift in several locations?
  2. Are your lifting needs temporary?
  3. Do you need a mobile workshop?
  4. How important is safety?
  5. Not only cost-efficient, but eco-efficient as well


Learn more about the CXT Explorer portable crane

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