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TRUCONNECT connected cranes
TRUCONNECT connected cranes

Siete pronti a connettervi?

Offriamo diversi prodotti TRUCONNECT per supportare meglio le vostre operazioni di manutenzione, consentire la manutenzione preventiva e promuovere miglioramenti della sicurezza e della produttività.

TRUCONNECT Remote Monitoring vi fornisce i dati operativi e di utilizzo della gru per aiutarvi a pianificare e programmare la manutenzione preventiva.

TRUCONNECT Brake Monitoring fornisce una conoscenza continua della condizione dei freni e rileva i guasti dei freni. 

TRUCONNECT Remote Support vi offre accesso 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 a una rete globale di esperti e specialisti di gru, offrendo ricerca dei guasti e risoluzione dei problemi per aiutare a ridurre i tempi di inattività imprevisti.

Overhead crane oil analysis
Overhead crane oil analysis

Servizi per consentire la manutenzione predittiva

Per implementare la manutenzione predittiva devono essere presenti dei tipi specifici di prodotti di assistenza. È la combinazione di questi prodotti, l’utilizzo delle analisi e il nostro processo di consulenza che rendono possibile la manutenzione predittiva. ​

Il cuore del programma CARE include ispezioni e manutenzione ordinaria. L’aggiunta dei seguenti prodotti è necessaria per mettere in atto in modo efficace una manutenzione predittiva.

Remote Monitoring metals industry
Remote Monitoring metals industry

TRUCONNECT Remote Monitoring and Brake

Remote monitoring is used to collect equipment condition and usage data and is a key element of Predictive Maintenance.

Technician performing oil analysis
Technician performing oil analysis

Oil Analysis

An Oil Analysis assists in deciding the optimal oil change timing for hoisting, traveling and traversing gears. Hydraulic oil can also be analyzed. The service can provide useful information regarding the condition of internal gear components. For example, oil oxidation or metallic particles in oil are potential symptoms of running problems.

Gear case inspection liftup image
Gear case inspection liftup image

Gear Case Inspection and/or Advanced Gear Case

The Gear Case Inspection is designed to determine the condition of your crane gears and related components. A visual inspection of key components is performed, and the inspector typically checks the oil level and inspects the gear case interior and gear surfaces using an endoscope. A Regular Gear Case Inspection can be performed at any time and if a deficiency is detected, an Advanced Gear Case Inspection may be recommended for further analysis.

Coupling inspection liftup image
Coupling inspection liftup image

Coupling Inspection

The Coupling Inspection has been designed to uncover issues that may lead to coupling failure.

RopeQ™ magnetic rope inspection liftup image
RopeQ™ magnetic rope inspection liftup image

RopeQ Magnetic Rope Inspection

During a typical inspection, only the outer wires and strands of the wire rope can be visually inspected. Konecranes RopeQ™ technology and non-destructive testing methodology analyzes the condition of the internal wires, strands and wire rope core that are not typically visible.

Hook/Shank Inspection liftup image
Hook/Shank Inspection liftup image

Hook/Shank Inspection

This inspection is designed to uncover issues that could lead to failure of the hook or bottom block. Konecranes utilizes various proven non-destructive testing techniques such as dye penetrant, magnetic particle and magnetic rubber, in addition to a visual inspection and measurements normally performed during a hook inspection.

Design Life Analysis liftup image
Design Life Analysis liftup image

Design Life Analysis

Frequent inspections, while necessary, cannot always catch machinery failure that may be caused by extremely fast crack propagation. A calculation of design life will give information that helps you assess your safe working limits and plan actions for continued equipment use.