Equipment, services and software for a wide range of industries

Container handlingIntermodal & railBreakbulk & general cargoShipyards


Konecranes has a complete offering for material handling at shipyards. The centrepiece of it is the Goliath Gantry Crane for ship hull assembly. It includes Electric Overhead Traveling cranes for steel plate handling in manufacturing halls, and heavy-duty lift trucks for general handling.


Container handling

Excellent technology isn’t enough in itself – build quality, delivery excellence, commissioning professionalism and service complete the picture from Konecranes.

intermodal em movimento
intermodal em movimento

Intermodal & rail

Intermodal is an essential part of the global container chain and Konecranes provides a complete range of container handling equipment and service for this sector.

Carga geral
Carga geral

Breakbulk & general cargo

Konecranes provides innovative bulk handling solutions for terminals of all sizes and configurations. Our proven mobile harbour cranes for continuous-duty bulk handling can be adapted to specific customer needs. When our state-of-the-art software for bulk handling applications is added to the mix, Konecranes is the provider of choice in this field.



Konecranes has a complete offering for material handling at shipyards. The centrepiece of it is the Goliath Gantry Crane for ship hull assembly. It includes Electric Overhead Traveling cranes for steel plate handling in manufacturing halls, and heavy-duty lift trucks for general handling.


Container handling

Excellent technology isn’t enough in itself – build quality, delivery excellence, commissioning professionalism and service complete the picture from Konecranes.