Get access to yourKONECRANES

You get access to the yourKONECRANES customer portal with a service agreement, TRUCONNECT, CheckApp for Daily Inspections and the Slings and Accessories Inspection. If you are having any issues with logging in to the portal you can contact yourKONECRANES support with the link below.


Draw insights from your data

Anomalies are abnormal events that can show up as faults and should be addressed promptly as they occur. A good example is an overload. Knowing precisely when an overload has occurred is the first step in identifying its cause and taking steps to prevent it from happening again. 

Patterns are recurring events that might show up on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, or follow some other correlation. Excessive starts during certain work shifts may indicate the need for operator training. 

The study of trends can help uncover targets for safety and productivity improvement. Data charts and graphs provide visual cues of things that are increasing or decreasing. Analyzing data behavior over time supports predictive maintenance as well as investment decisions.

yourKONECRANES on mobile
yourKONECRANES on mobile

Prioritize your maintenance

The yourKONECRANES portal provides the information you need to help make informed maintenance decisions. During a service visit, our mobile-enabled technicians can quickly and efficiently input information, so you have quick access to your service data including findings and recommendations. You get a quick view of pain points in your fleet with an overview of open safety and production risks plus TRUCONNECT safety, production and condition alerts.  

The portal gives you a complete view of your assets and relationship with Konecranes on any web-enabled device. 

What is on yourKONECRANES

OverviewAssetsService calendarQuotationsDaily inspectionSlings and Accessories InspectionTRUCONNECTService Review/Service reportBusiness Review
yourKONECRANES Business Review
yourKONECRANES Business Review

Business Review

The Business Review section shows an overview of your Service relationship with Konecranes over a year or any other time period. Service KPIs shows how many assets were serviced over the past year and how many service visits you had. You can see trends in faults found compared to assets serviced.

In the TRUCONNECT section shows alerts and usage by running hours. The information in this section can help you pinpoint connected assets that need attention and make appropriate plans for budgeting and maintenance.

Your spend information is summed up in the Spend section. You can look at agreement costs as well as costs not in your agreement. You can also filter by service products. Trends by Service Type show the amount spent on different service products over a five-year period. Total spend and spend by service type is highlighted in an easy-to-read chart and is also broken down by asset allowing you to see, for example, which assets experienced the highest number of on-call service visits.

If you have CheckApp for Daily Inspections this page shows a summary of all daily inspections performed within the selected time frame. A list of inspected assets is shown with the number of passed and failed inspections per asset. This helps you identify assets that need attention and to focus on corrective actions. Each checkpoint shows how that many times that checkpoint has passed or failed per asset. This helps you identify assets that have frequent issues with a particular checkpoint such as limit switches or hook latches.

yourKONECRANES overview
yourKONECRANES overview


The Overview page is your starting point in yourKONECRANES. From here you can see open items including open safety risks, production risks and TRUCONNECT statuses that require immediate attention. You also get a quick look at the number of assets serviced and the findings and a quick link to your service reports.

If you have CheckApp for Daily Inspections you can see your operator's pass/fails from the past 24 hours and a link to get more in-depth information.

yourKONECRANES fleet view
yourKONECRANES fleet view


The Assets page gives you a fleet view that can be sorted by priority, asset criticality, date and alphabetically. Sorting by priority gives you a clear view of safety and production-critical issues. You can also filter by a number of different parameters such as number of safety risks, number of open quotes or TRUCONNECT data such as biggest drop in DWP-value.

The Asset Report view offers multiple report options such as Open risks, Service history, Material History and Service spend. All reports split by assets and can be generated in PDF or Excel.

yourKONECRANES service calendar
yourKONECRANES service calendar

Service calendar

The Service Calendar page shows you service activities in a calendar view. A color-code logic shows the status of the service and filtering allows you to see activities by asset criticality, service product and task type. Clicking on a month will allow you to see a detailed list of service activities.

yourKONECRANES quotations
yourKONECRANES quotations


The quotations shown in yourKONECRANES are those resulting from agreed Next Step Actions after a service visit. The quotations are based on the technician’s findings and are uploaded by Konecranes representatives for your consideration.


Daily inspection

This page shows information from CheckApp for Daily Inspections for assets with CheckApp. The summary shows the number of performed daily inspections in a selected timeframe as well as the number of those with observed deficiency. Activities shows each performed daily inspection in chronological order starting from the newest and color indicates pass/fail. You can click on an inspection to see the full results and any photos that were included. 

You can also create custom checklists for CheckApp on yourKONECRANES as well as add and manage your users. 

yourKONECRANES Slings and Accessories Inspection
yourKONECRANES Slings and Accessories Inspection

Slings and Accessories Inspection

This page shows information from the Slings and Accessories Inspection. This inspection has been designed to inspect non-maintainable load lifting attachments and accessories that are attached to the crane hook during operation. The inspection identifies deficiencies and deviations from local statutory safety and health regulations.

The inspection service utilizes radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to record load lifting attachment inspection data and a smartphone app to help quickly and reliably identify attachments. The information on yourKONECRANES helps you keep track of inventory, execute audits and plan for replacements.

The fleet view shows all recorded loose lifting devices for the selected location. By default, the devices in this list are sorted after the next due inspection. You can click on any device name to see full details and download or print a compliant individual inspection report.



TRUCONNECT Remote Monitoring collects condition, usage and operating data from control systems and sensors on an asset and provides alerts of certain anomalies. Each connected asset has a TRUCONNECT page with a summary of the main items that need attention in each category.

The condition section shows the current condition of the components, any risks related to safety and production, and the estimated remaining service life based on the usage history.

The alerts section shows a summary and trend graph for safety and production risks. The Pareto analysis displays and ranks the most important causes of alerts related to the safety and usability of the crane.

The operating statistics section shows how different crane operating patterns affect the safe operation and condition of the crane and the service life of critical components.

Download the TRUCONNECT guide to see detailed information about the data available on yourKONECRANES and how it can help you optimize maintenance and improve safety and productivity.

yourKONECRANES Service Review
yourKONECRANES Service Review

Service Review/Service report

After a service visit, the details and findings are available on the Service Request page. This also serves as your Service report and can be easily downloaded or shared by email.

The details of the service visit including service products, technician name, contact information and dates are listed in the Customer and Service Information section.

The Summary section highlights the findings and actions from the service visit. Safety risks, production risks, undetermined conditions, improvement opportunities, repaired items and if available – quotes and declined items – are listed. A graph shows findings and actions by asset and the details of those findings are listed below. Quotes for needed work can be attached here and downloaded.

The assets in the service request are listed in the Asset Details section. The findings for each asset are listed along with the details such as fault code, risk and a recommendation. You will also find comments from the inspector or technician. Findings are prioritized with safety and production risks listed first. You can also filter by findings and actions as well as asset criticality, service product and task type.

Individual components that have an Undetermined Condition and are not in the scope of your agreement are also listed on this page. An Undetermined Condition indicates that the component condition could not be directly verified through visual inspection without further disassembly and/or the use of other inspection methods.

yourKONECRANES Business Review
yourKONECRANES Business Review

Business Review

The Business Review section shows an overview of your Service relationship with Konecranes over a year or any other time period. Service KPIs shows how many assets were serviced over the past year and how many service visits you had. You can see trends in faults found compared to assets serviced.

In the TRUCONNECT section shows alerts and usage by running hours. The information in this section can help you pinpoint connected assets that need attention and make appropriate plans for budgeting and maintenance.

Your spend information is summed up in the Spend section. You can look at agreement costs as well as costs not in your agreement. You can also filter by service products. Trends by Service Type show the amount spent on different service products over a five-year period. Total spend and spend by service type is highlighted in an easy-to-read chart and is also broken down by asset allowing you to see, for example, which assets experienced the highest number of on-call service visits.

If you have CheckApp for Daily Inspections this page shows a summary of all daily inspections performed within the selected time frame. A list of inspected assets is shown with the number of passed and failed inspections per asset. This helps you identify assets that need attention and to focus on corrective actions. Each checkpoint shows how that many times that checkpoint has passed or failed per asset. This helps you identify assets that have frequent issues with a particular checkpoint such as limit switches or hook latches.

yourKONECRANES overview
yourKONECRANES overview


The Overview page is your starting point in yourKONECRANES. From here you can see open items including open safety risks, production risks and TRUCONNECT statuses that require immediate attention. You also get a quick look at the number of assets serviced and the findings and a quick link to your service reports.

If you have CheckApp for Daily Inspections you can see your operator's pass/fails from the past 24 hours and a link to get more in-depth information.