Konecranes technician crane modernization
Konecranes technician crane modernization
Modernization Services

Why modernize your overhead crane?

If one or more of these issues apply in your operations, you may want to consider a modernization. 

  • Prolong the economic service life of your crane 
  • Critical components are reaching the end of their economic service life 
  • Critical components are reaching the end of their design life 
  • Your production demands are increasing 
  • Your application has changed 
  • Statutory requirements have changed 
  • Costs and time spent maintaining your aged crane are rising 
  • You are considering replacing your crane 
Consultation Services

Are your cranes fit for the future?

If you’re considering whether a modernization is a valid option, you need a tool to help make decisions about the future use of your cranes. 

Crane Reliability Study 

An engineering assessment that evaluates the current condition of your crane and provides a theoretical estimate of its remaining design life and recommendations for next steps. The study looks at structures, mechanical components and electrical systems, and highlights possible maintenance and modernization needs. 

Steel Structure Analysis 

This service has been designed to calculate the remaining fatigue life in a crane steel structure and inspect it for any defects. The analysis provides detailed information of the condition and remaining fatigue life of a crane steel structure and can also help determine if the steel structure is suitable for modernizations. 

Overhead crane modernization
Overhead crane modernization

Types of crane modernizations

Overhead crane modernization, a cost-saving alternative to buying new equipment, enables your business to benefit from more efficient and updated technology that is available in brand new cranes. 

Modernizations can include: 

  • The addition of new functionality, such as Smart Features, in an existing automation system or to design and install a new automation system on an existing crane. 
  • Increase the capacity of a crane, such as lifting capacity, speed, hoist cycle. 
  • Change the location of a crane, increase span, add a grab or other kind of complex below-the-hook device. 
  • Rewire, renew or upgrade electrical components - including PLC and entire crane controls.